God Speaks… When I Listen

Before I get into it, look at this! Holy cow. This is the view when walking over the harbor bridge. (No not the bridge climb lol). Just the pedestrian pathway. I am going to get vulnerable real fast whether you like it or not!

Ever since I arrived in Australia I have battled with the desire to go home in December. When I mean, “GO HOME” I mean not coming back in January for second semester. A.K.A, quitting after 6 months. The few reasons for this was homesickness, not agreeing with a few things the college does, not finding a job, etc…

Moving away from family and friends stretches you. I haven’t only moved away but I moved half way around the stink’n world! While being here, I have learned a great deal about myself which I love! I have come to realizations of what I want to change when I go home after the year. I have come to some amazing conclusions. I want to fix mine and my little brothers relationship, be an outstanding youth leader that young high school girls can go to when in hardship, and be very intentional with the people I encounter on a regular basis. I also want to become a Young Life leader again for Tahoma YL.

When I thought of these I instantly thought, “Why wait until July to fix all these things when I can just come back permanently in December? The sooner the better right? HAHA WRONG… I had a revelation that yes it would be nice to come home and mend broken relationships right away but, then I could be robbed of what God has in store for me. It has taken all of my will power and trust in Him that I need to learn all that I can here in Australia for the remaining of the year.

There have been many nights when I ball my eyes out when I get my assessments back “Not Yet Competent” and having to redo them or even better, an exam back that I have to retake. Sometimes if I can be real, I feel I am wasting time and money. BUT then I am reminded that no, He doesn’t call us somewhere and then not equip us. He is a good father who wants the best for us. My AMAZING mom reminds me that I didn’t come here to fully comprehend every lecture or pass all of my homework assignments but I came here to stretch myself and grow into the woman of God he wants me to become!

So needless to say! I am loving it here, and for Him to continue to mold me into who I am meant to be…
Plus I come home in a short 34 days!!!

Until next time!

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